[Notice] Very important!
Thread Date : (GMT -5:00) 2015-03-11 23:38:29
Hello, this is Gameday.
We have found that someone stole our e-mail account and sent spam mails using @mgameday.com account recently.
So, we have resolved this problem and strengthened our security measure.
If you receive e-mails which subjects are ‘NEW INQUIRY’ or ‘URGENT REQUEST’ and content is ‘Greetings, Please find attached our new requirement, quote accordingly.’ , please do not open the attachment and delete it.
We never send spam mails to our users.
We will try to make sure the best security service is provided in future.
We are really sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you.1 Comments -
[Doors & Rooms] ★4th Update★ A weird story unfolds in the wonderland
Thread Date : (GMT -5:00) 2013-03-05 00:53:25
Doors & Rooms has updated.
Let’g go to the Apple App Store and Update Right Now!!
The 4th Update is huge! – A weird story unfolds in the wonderland
Have you opened the brand new door in the last update?
I know that you expected a fairytale paradise world behind that door.
Welcome! I know it will be your first experience in our wonderland!
Tons of weird stories that never can experience in reality are waiting for you.
I know you cannot wait to venture through this fantastic realm! Download the update right now!!
★ Chapter 6: Weird Story
10 surreal and mysterious stages are coming.